Online Poker Sites
Online poker is the online variant of the classic game of poker, played on a virtual table over the Internet. It has contributed largely to the growth of the number of online poker players all over the world. This type of gambling is highly popular in countries where access to legal casinos is not available; online poker players therefore prefer to play poker over the Internet rather than to visit a land-based casino. Poker websites therefore attract a lot of web traffic and revenue from people who are looking for games on the Internet rather than going to casinos or other such gaming venues.
Online poker developed out of free poker games that were available in various popular chat rooms. Over time the Internet became an ideal place for playing games for real money. A few years ago, the real money poker market was almost completely dominated by online poker sites. However, with the spread of the Internet, many poker sites have become real money poker sites with some added features, like free games or special promotions, or both.
The development of online poker sites is often a source of surprise to players who were initially attracted to the online poker market because of the lack of cards or a game with real money prizes. While the initial attraction of online poker attracts a lot of casual players, especially to the online poker scene in certain countries (such as the USA), the growing popularity of online poker allows poker players from across the world to participate in online poker tournaments. Online poker sites have also begun offering cash prizes to players for winning certain tournaments, an idea which is attracting a lot of players to participate.